Still working out the kinks in my code (eg. no picture embedding just yet..) but this is my first post in about a year or so.. I'll post another shortly detailing why that was (the tech reasons of it mainly), but this is just a quick blurb on setting up mod_auth on your LAMP.
Ya, fun stuff I know.. So I have a protected zone on my server as follows:
<Directory "/var/www/dev.*">
AuthType Basic
AuthName "Development Server"
AuthUserFile /var/www/auths
Require user fred
ErrorDocument 401 :(
I threw this in my apache config file, and wanted to quickly add a user to have access. I did it using the following command:
htpasswd -c /protected/pws username
Pretty straight forward. htpasswd is a small program that requires you to enter a file output location (eg. /protected/pws) and a username, and then prompts you as to what password you want for this user.
The -c flag tells it to create the file if it doesn't exist.