Oliver Nassar

damn.. this should've been the first post. what you'll find here..

November 01, 2010

This should've been my first post, but whatever. A short summary of what this site will/does contain. onassar.github.io/blogs/music/ will have blog posts, links, notes and all specific to music.

It might be stuff I'm listening to, recommendations from others, lists of top albums, artists, or whatever, but generally, I'll try and limit this to music related content. I guess that much should've been obvious.

I have no specific genre that I promote. I was asked a while ago during an interview what kind of music I listened to and I replied "all" and his response was "you know that's a cop-out right?"

I think a lot of people answer "a lot" but my taste does vary a ridiculous amount and includes the following:

Anyway, there's my attempt at describing what this part of onassar.com should look like. We'll see what it ends up looking like down the line, though.